The permanent-formpanels are pre-manufactured in the factory, in Nitra (Slovakia), comprising two CBPBs (each 24mm thick) which are joined together by a patented connection system. The wall reinforcement for each side of the wall is fitted, using metal brackets, to each of the respective CBPBs before they are joined using a hydraulic press. Full beamreinforcement cages (including links) can also be incorporated for lintels across wall openings (windows, doors, etc). Precast concrete wall systems and precast concrete wall panels.
Loadbearing walls
VS D = 175mm (d=127mm concrete core + 2*24mm cbpb)
VS D = 200mm (d= 152mm concrete core)
VS D = 215mm (d= 167mm concrete core )
VS D = 230mm (d= 182mm concrete core)
VS D = 250mm (d= 202mm concrete core)
VS D = 300mm (d= 252mm concrete core)
Non loadbearing partition walls
VS D = 150mm (d= 102mm concrete core)
Preferred types: D=175,200,230,250mm
Other thicknesses available after discussion
Abbr. cbpb = cement bonded particle board
D = overall thickness of wall section [mm]
d = thickness of concrete core [mm]